Live PET Bottle Collection Tally:
Kilograms In Total
Bottles Collected
We’ve promised to reduce our carbon footprint through our reusable PET bottles and our ZeroPet Recycling Initiative.
Through our self-imposed recycling targets, we want to collect 2.5 million PET bottles per year, by removing two PET bottles for every one we sell – that’s 50 tons of PET per year.
A partnership between Mountain Falls and Recycle 1st, it's a sustainable plan to create a ZeroPet footprint. As such, we are committed to eradication our impact on the environment through self-imposed recycling targets. Our aim is to collect 2,5 million plastic bottles per year by removing 2 plastic bottles for every one we sell which equates to 50 tons of PET per year.
a sustainable plan to create a ZeroPet footprint.
Naturally-sourced water has one of the lowest carbon footprints of any beverage, and we want the same for our packaging too.
Mountain Falls is a member of PETCO, South Africa's national body accountable for managing and growing the collection and recycling of PET bottles after consumer use, on behalf of its members. As such, we pay a fee per tonne on all plastic bottles we produce.
This in addition to our ZeroPet Recycling Initiative.
Reduce, reuse, recycle
So with this in mind we have designed a unique Pet bottle, the result is a beautiful, reusable, recyclable bottle that maximises value and eliminates waste
Manufacturers often opt for PET due to its strength, thermostability & transparency. It’s 10 times lighter than glass which means we’re not only reducing transport costs, but we’re also decreasing carbon emissions by 40% through transportation, less packaging and fewer trucks. PET packaging also saves packaging mass, energy and greenhouse gas carbon emissions. Without PET, we would use up to 3 times more resources.
Retailers also prefer PET bottles, as they’re light and shatterproof, which facilitates shelf stacking, ensures safety, product integrity and less breakage.
Consumers find PET bottles portable, lightweight and reusable for efficient on-the-go-hydration. It is also 100% safe and 100% recyclable.
Environmentally, PET is the most recycled packaging polymer on the shelves. The weight of PET packaging has reduced by more than 30% over the past 10 years, and when asked why we promote our unique plastic bottles, the answer is simple: they’re refillable, reusable and we recycle 2 bottles for every one that we sell.
In our view, it makes sense from both an environmental and economic perspective to capture the raw material and energy contained in a plastic bottle and re-use it, instead of consigning it to landfill sites.
Pay it forward: Our ZeroPet Foundation
We’ll be putting the proceeds generated through PET recycling towards various community projects and school educational drives.