ZEROPET Recycle Initiative by Mountian Falls

Mountain Falls natural mineral water is a rare find, dating back to an ancient source around 150 million years old and unique to very few locations in the world.
This heightens the responsibility we have to our environment. As a result we have chosen to self-regulate and will ensure that we take out twice the amount of plastic that we sell. We are committed to reducing the impact that plastic bottles have on the planet through our ZEROPET recycle initiative.
The nature and size of our artisanal brand makes it possible for us to proudly embark on this unique initiative in partnership with our local distribution network and school community projects.

PET is too valuable to be thrown away - #DO1THING. RECYCLE 1ST
In association with Recycle 1st, The Beverage Emporium & gold Youth Development Agency
For more information, email us at