Sparkling Water: Is it Good or Bad for You? Insight from Mountain Falls

Posted by Jeremy Yang on

South Africa boasts an array of natural wonders, from the iconic Table Mountain to the vast Kruger National Park. At the heart of this majestic nation is the brand Mountain Falls, capturing the purity of South Africa's aquifers. However, as sparkling water gains popularity, many ponder over its health implications. Does the effervescence compromise our well-being? Let's unravel the truth behind sparkling water.


Diving into the Bubbles: What is Sparkling Water?

Essentially, sparkling water is water with infused carbon dioxide gas under pressure, creating that distinctive fizz. Apart from seltzer, which is typically free of additives, other forms like club soda may contain salts for enhanced flavor. However, natural sparkling mineral waters, akin to brands like 'Mountain Falls', originate from mineral springs, imbued with essential minerals and sometimes, natural carbonation.


The Health Implications: Weighing the Pros and Cons

  1. Is Sparkling Water Acidic? Indeed, the carbon dioxide reaction with water yields carbonic acid, rendering sparkling water slightly acidic with a pH of 3-4. But fret not, drinking this won't alter your body's pH, as our kidneys and lungs efficiently balance out the excess carbon dioxide.

  2. Sparkling Water and Dental Health: A prominent concern is the potential erosive effect of sparkling water on tooth enamel. However, research shows that natural sparkling water, like Mountain Falls, inflicts only marginally more enamel damage than still water – a stark contrast to the considerable damage from sugary sodas. Thus, for dental protection, it's best to opt for unsweetened sparkling water and perhaps rinse your mouth with plain water post-consumption.

  3. Digestive Benefits: Interestingly, sparkling water could be a boon for digestion:

    • Swallowing Aid: Carbonated water has demonstrated enhanced stimulation of nerves responsible for swallowing, especially when cold.
    • Fullness Sensation: Consuming sparkling water can prolong feelings of satiety post-meal.
    • Relief from Constipation: Some studies link sparkling water consumption with improved bowel movements and reduced constipation symptoms.
  4. Bone Health: Debunking Myths Contrary to popular belief, sparkling water does not compromise bone health. In fact, only cola, rich in phosphorus, showed a link to reduced bone mineral density. Clear sodas and carbonated water, especially those like Mountain Falls, showcased no detrimental impact. Some studies even suggest potential benefits of carbonated water for bone strength.

Sparkling Water in glass with lime slice and ice with Glass bottle of water behind

Is Sparkling Water a Yay or Nay?

Like many things, the answer lies in moderation and choice. Natural sparkling waters, devoid of added sugars and artificial sweeteners, can be a healthful, refreshing beverage alternative. Mountain Falls, rooted in the heart of South Africa, promises purity with every effervescent sip, ensuring that you savour nature's best without health compromises.

The key is to stay informed, make conscious choices, and let sparkling water be a delightful addition to your hydration routine, rather than a replacement for pure, still water. With Mountain Falls, you're not just sipping water; you're experiencing the pristine spirit of South Africa with every bubbly gulp. Cheers to informed choices and effervescent health!

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